Thursday, 18 May 2023

 The Italian Post Office has produced a handsome new stamp, featuring Pope Benedict. He is not forgotten! You can read about it (in Italian) on Silere non Possum.


Anonymous said...

Hello Father. I've just come across this blog and found it fascinating and very well written. Were you, like me, at St Andrews? I seem to remember hearing your name from some fellow Young Faberians in years above me.
Please continue with this blog!

Pastor in Monte said...

Yes, I was. In fact I was one of the founding members of the Young Faberians. That's quite a blast from the past!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear from you, Father.
I was president of the YFs from 1986 to 1987, having joined in 1984 (A 'Free Gin and Tonic for All New Members'!), and I was just sorting through some of the old YF files with my successor, who I'm visiting at the moment after a trip to St Andrews together. So many memories! One of the YF newsletters from 1983 advertises, under 'Forthcoming Events', a 'St Bean of Aberdeen Beanfeast'. His feast happens to be today, so we both wish you a very happy Beanfeast, Father!

Pastor in Monte said...

I remember the Beanfeast!