'Things can only get better!'
What an exciting year lies ahead of us! We can expect the introduction of the new translation of the Missal (or at least the Missale Moronica) in the coming months; we have a new nuncio with a reputation for getting things done; we have several episcopal appointments to be made in the UK; and, of course, there will very soon be the establishment of the Ordinariate.
And right now we can look forward to the fact that after today the days will lengthen—a cock's step every day, as my grandmother would say—and soon we will see green shoots of all kinds.
Veni, delicta mea…Jam enim hiems transiit;* imber abiit et recessit;** flores apparuerunt in terra nostra.***
* even if it's only officially starting today
** well, a man can dream!
*** don't laugh!
The pictures, taken last May, are from my hortus in valle—I am surprised how much I am missing it while away.
1 comment:
et stipate me malis - and we still have the Chrismas feast to come!
Love all your posts Father - keep them coming.
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