Monday 16 January 2012

Told you so

At the time of Ireland's closure of its Vatican embassy, I remarked to several people that Enda Kenny and his government would come to regret it. 'It will come back and bite them', I said. 'They underestimate the residual loyalty of Ireland to the faith, and are simply playing to those they think are in the gallery.'
I considered blogging upon it, but decided not to; besides, those days before Christmas were simply too busy and I didn't do much blogging at all.
I want to write some more on Ireland, and will do so soon. In the meantime, you can read the account here, thanks to Fr Z.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Are you planning on writing again on the Irish Church and its historical relationship with the liturgical movement? As someone who has considerable research experience on this topic I found many of the assertions in your last '500' series highly contestable, to say the least. If you are doing so this time again, could you please give us a list of the sources you have consulted, or else provide references to support your claims? It would be much appreciated, thanks.