Sunday, 2 November 2014

I'm back!

The Pastor in Valle has been into his tomb, found it not entirely to his liking, tried poking his nose out as Pastor in Valle Emeritus (it's all the rage, this emeritus thing), and now will stalk the world as Pastor in Monte, though he doesn't know how much posting he will do.

Now we are Aspicientes in Jesum, because that seems appropriate. I hope you agree. The events of the last few months have focussed us all on the essentials, and I can't think of anything more essential that this.

I've changed my name to Pastor in Monte since that seems a good alternative, as I am now living on a (rather steep) hill.

  High on a hill lived a lonely Pastor… Yodel o lo layee…… &c


Pelerin said...

Welcome back Father! Do hope you will not be a lonely pastor on your hill.

Joe said...

Good news!

Idle Rambler said...

Great to see you back Father!

Ben Whitworth said...


Genty said...

Hurrah! (That's one way of getting to the top . . . )

gemoftheocean said...

Nice to have you post, Father Sean. Give us some pics of your new parish when you get a chance.

gemoftheocean said...

Nice to have you post, Father Sean. Give us some pics of your new parish when you get a chance.

Mulier Fortis said...

Deo gratias! Glad to have you back!!

gemoftheocean said...

BTW, you could have also called it: "Nearer my God to thee." :-D

Pelerin said...

My only criticism of the new title of your blog Father is that I find it impossible to remember, cannot spell it and have no idea how to pronounce it! :-) No problem with Valle Adurni.

Mater mari said...

So glad to see you back...

IanW said...
