Monday 23 November 2009

Vatican Radio

Having just bought yet another iPhone app promising to be able to receive billions of radio stations, I find that it, too, refuses to recognize Vatican Radio, to which I would like to listen. Has anyone out there succeeded in finding an app that will let me listen to VR?


Steven said...

I uised to get it 20 years ago on short wave by an arangement of wire and coat hangers strung across the sitting room, but not since then. I don't often find Vesoers live on the internet now either!!! Progress!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the using the Wunderadio app to listen to Vatican radio as I type this...5 stations are available and several 'stored' programmes.

Pastor in Monte said...

Dear Anonymous,
Please accept a large e-bouquet of flowers if you're a lady or an e-bottle of whiskey if you're a chap!
I've installed Wunder Radio and it works a treat!

Steven said...

Did coat hangers not go with the iphone?

Anonymous said...

A clerical chap!
An Hail Mary, would be much appreciated.

Pastor in Monte said...

Coming up……