Wednesday 29 June 2011

Not knowing what to think

At the weekend, term ended here at the Seminary with the Diaconate Ordination; a very splendid occasion when Paul Andrew, a former Anglican clergyman, was ordained (transitional) deacon for the diocese of Plymouth. Deacon Paul has his own website and journal here. The other members of his class were ordained deacon in the autumn.

Still for such splendid occasions, an organist is required, and I was approached. I was surprised, because I am far down the pecking order of organists here (quite rightly, as all the others are much better than I am), but pleased to be asked. I played for many such ceremonies in the past, before rust began to gather in my joints (and I've passed the half-century mark since I wrote the last post). And though I'm a moderately competent service accompanist, these days I get very nervous playing proper pieces for voluntaries &c, and so generally make a hash of them.

So why did they ask me, then?

The usual organist, an external professional who lives on the south coast, had married a wife and could not come. Or some other reason.
The number one internal organist suddenly had to make a retreat in Canada, and couldn't wait for the last day of term.
The number two internal organist was directing the schola cantorum and preferred not to have to be rushing from one place to another, as he said to me.
The number three was needed to sing in the schola.

So, it was explained to me, that left me, and would I kindly do it?

I was flattered but, yes, you're right, I should have been suspicious.

It turns out that Carlo Curley was on the guest list; a major professional organ recitalist, who describes himself as 'The Pavarotti of the Organ'!

No wonder all the other organists headed for the hills! They all knew about it, but did they tell me? No they didn't, because they knew that if I knew, I too would have found an unbreakable subsequent engagement in Wagga Wagga or the Falkland Islands.

Mr Curley must forgive me if I say that God rushed to the defence of his priesthood and struck the Pavarotti of the organ in the foot, making his attendance at the ordination impracticable. He didn't come. Thank God.

And now I don't know whether to be furious with my colleagues for not telling me, or relieved.

On a happier note, I noticed that the Holy Father initiated the new Vatican news service with a click on an iPad. Good to know that Apple Mac Technology has reached the highest quarters. Catholicism and Apple Mac: an unbeatable combination!


St Malachy said...

Father, you do yourself a disservice. I have heard you playing most recently on the end of term permanent diaconate formation programme and it's always lovely to hear.

Highland Cathedral said...

AppleMac and Catholicism may be an unbeatable combination but there lies a problem. An American organisation called the Manhattan Declaration recently had an App removed from the Apple app store. The reason was that a group of extreme homosexual activists objected to the MD’s defence of marriage being between a man and a woman.

Petition to Steve Jobs and Apple
A petition to Steve Jobs, Apple, Inc., to restore the Manhattan Declaration App
We, the undersigned, urge you to reinstate the Manhattan Declaration App to the Apple app store.
The Manhattan Declaration, in a civil, reasoned, and respectful way, promotes the sanctity of every human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom.
That Apple would deem the Manhattan Declaration as “offensive” is alarming and distressing. Some who are “offended” by the Manhattan Declaration can only be offended by the positions the Manhattan Declaration takes—positions based on biblical Christianity and affirmed by nearly half a million Christians representing dozens of denominations.
Despite the claims of some, the Declaration does not promote hate or homophobia. It is not anti-gay. Rather, it proclaims that all human beings are loved by God and are worthy of respect.
Civil discourse is a hallmark of a civilized and free society. Disagreement is not hate. We urge you and Apple, therefore, to promote communication and civil dialogue on these important social issues by reinstating the Manhattan Declaration App.
Thank you.

So, the combination of AppleMac and Catholicism may not be to everybody’s liking and Steve Job’s main concern obviously is appeasing the homosexual lobby.

Pastor in Monte said...

Or on the other hand you have Bill Gates' support for the Planned Parenthood Association.

Anonymous said...

As the person probably most affected I think you did a fantastic job. Thank you, father.
Dcn. Paul Andrew

Philly said...

I can recommend an excellent Irish blog that has a good post on the Sacred Heart up at the moment.

Thanks and blessings!
