Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Robert Mickens is suspended by The Tablet!

p.s. I think these two screen shots must be the most reproduced without attribution or acknowledgement in recent internet history!


gemoftheocean said...

about time Maybe it will be a wakeup call for the other boneheads.

gemoftheocean said...

I see his original twitter account was taken down. Too bad, I wanted to go there and dance on HIS grave. Worth the extra 5 minutes in purgatory.

Anonymous said...

Calling Benedict "Rat" is commonplace among the dissenting faction "in" the Church. When I attended a classes in a theology college in Ireland, 2004 to 2005, the faculty referred to hm as "king Rat" and "the Rottweiler", and were furious to the point of apoplexy when he became Pope. At this same college, the two lecturer "priests" I had refused to pray for Pope John Paul when he died. Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle ...

john-of-hayling said...

Suspended bt the Tablet? Is it painful?