Saturday 15 March 2008

Triduum Times

I thought it was a fairly universal custom that the Solemn Afternoon Liturgy on Good Friday was kept at 3pm. But I see that in St Peter's (that's not St Peter's Shoreham, but the other, less well-known St Peter's in Rome) the Holy Father is to celebrate at 5pm. And the Vigil in the Vatican is not arranged to coincide with Midnight Mass, as in the past, but starts early, as most of us do for good pastoral reasons. In fact, since the Holy Father is starting at 9, and here in the Adur Valley we are starting at 8 (it will be plenty dark by then), we will be celebrating at the same time as the Holy Father. Strangest of all, really, is that the Holy Father's Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper really seems to be a Mass of the Lord's High Tea, since it is due to start at 5.30pm.
I also notice that the Chrism Mass is to take place at the Vatican, and not at the Lateran. Does anyone know if this is an ancient custom?


gemoftheocean said...

In our parish, we usually have Holy Thursday Mass at 7 p.m. Late enough to be past dinner, but not so late you get the yawns late in the proceedings.

It does seem odd the Chrism Mass being done at the Vatican rather than the Lateran, the latter being the official seat for the Rome Diocese. Maybe the Present Poope doesn't like the Lateran? :-D


Zadok the Roman said...

I'm not sure why, but for some reason the Chrism Mass is held in the Vatican and the Mass of the Lord's Supper is held at the Lateran. This certainly predates Benedict as this was also the custom under Pope John Paul II.

I'm not sure why this is so. Perhaps the Vatican Basilica is more suited to accomodate the large number of concelebrating priests and faithful present at the Chrism Mass. Perhaps the Lateran is more appropriate for the Mass of the Lord's Supper as it contains the relic of the table which St Peter is said to have used as an altar.


Augustine said...

I really would love the Lateran to be used more frequently by His Holiness! Its fitting for a bishop to honour and love his cathedral...