Wednesday 27 February 2008

Sarum Candlemas 10 - Offertory

The celebrant crosses himself, turns to the people and sings Dominus Vobiscum. The rulers and singers begin the offertory antiphon, Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis. The acolyte brings the chalice and paten (already containing the host and watered wine) in the humeral veil, passing it to the Subdeacon, who passes it to the Deacon, who passes it to the Priest. It is offered with one prayer (a variant on the Suscipe Sancta Trinitas of the Roman Use). The priest then covers the chalice with a folded and starched corporal (a forerunner of the pall)—in some places it was lifted up tentwise from behind the chalice.
The altar is censed, then the Priest (who is given the text to kiss) followed by the rulers and the priests in choir (one at a time). Then the servers and people. The priest has washed his hands.
The Subdeacon places the Text at the right side of the altar, where it too is censed by the Deacon.
Interestingly, there is no specific invocation of the Holy Spirit at this point, such as one finds in the Roman Use, but a blessing.
The Celebrant turns to say the Orate Fratres in a different form (see below).
The wonderful music the choir are singing is Gaude, gaude Virgo Maria by John Sheppard.
This clip (in a slightly shorter form) has already been uploaded to Youtube, so you may have seen it before.

Súscipe, sancta Trínitas, hanc oblatiónem, quam ego indígnus peccátor óffero in honóre tuo : beátæ Maríæ, pro peccátis et offensiónibus meis, pro salúte vivórum et réquiæ ómnium fidélium defunctórum. In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti accéptum sit omnipoténti Deo hoc sacrifícium novum.
Receive, holy Trinity, this offering which I, thine unworthy servant offer in your honour and that of Blessed Mary, for my sins and offences, for the salvation of the living and the rest of the faithful departed. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, may this new sacrifice be acceptable to almighty God.��

He washes his hands.
Munda me, Dómine, ab omni iniquinaménto cordis et córporis mei, ut possim mundus implére opus sanctum Dómini.
Cleanse me, O Lord, from all uncleanness of my mind and body, that I may fulfil the holy work of the Lord in purity.��

The priest bows:
In spíritu humilitátis, et in ánimo contríto suscipiámur, Dómine, a te: et sic fiat sacrifícium nostrum in conspéctu tuo, ut a te suscipiátur hódie, et pláceat tibi, Dómine Deus.
In the spirit of humility and with a contrite heart may we be acceptable, Lord, to Thee, and may this sacrifice find favour in Thy sight that it may be received by you today, and please you, Lord God.��

He blesses the gifts:
In nomine Patris, et Fílii, + et Spíritus Sancti. Amen.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.��

He turns and says:
Oráte, fratres et soróres pro me: ut meum paritérque vestrum accéptum sit Dómino Deo nostro sacrifícium.
Pray for me, brothers and sisters, that this sacrifice which is equally mine and yours be acceptable to the Lord our God.��

Spíritus sancti gratia, illuminet cor tuum et labia tua: et accípiat Dóminus digne hoc sacrifícium laudis de manibus tuis pro peccátis et offensiónibus nostris.
May the grace of the Holy Spirit enlighten your heart and lips, and may the Lord accept this sacrifice of praise from your hands for our sins and offences.��

There is an entirely different form of the Orate Fratres for Requiems.


Anonymous said...

This is a great service you're doing - and perfect timing: I'm teaching my undergraduates about the Sarum Use on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Aha, someone has tidied up ;-)